Data-based solutions, that rank.
Contact Claudia Ebert
Sixth place out of 1,870,000 – sounds good, doesn’t it? However, when referring to search engine results, this means that the website is invisible for most users. The vast majority of searches end with one of the top three search results. Only a fraction of users look at more than five search results, and practically nobody goes to the second page of results. If you want to make a brand successful, all details must be scrutinized and clear KPIs must be defined.
Targeted SEO is one of the pillars of any website.
SEO is more than just a readjustment tool. It’s about sending the right signals from the start. After all, in the push to reach the top of the ranking, long-term measures pay off: premium content for promising keywords, a focus on usability, optimum technical foundations, and a carefully curated backlink profile. Continuity is also a decisive factor. If a website does not regularly substantiate its relevance, the competition will overtake it in the ranking.
The search queries of the users must be the focus in order for SEO to have long-term effects. The page must give the answer that the searcher needs. A successful website remains agile and takes the changing needs of the users into account. We decide which measures are needed for this based on data and facts – and not on our gut feeling.
The more tangible the added value of a page is, the better.
It is not about answering all questions a little bit, but rather answering the important ones well. The focus has to be right. It is a similar story for technical construction, as search engines value not only the content, but also the invisible substructure of a website. This is why we ensure frictionless crawlability, optimize the page speed, and improve mobile usability. Logically systematic internal links that structure the content and thereby increase the user friendliness are also indispensable.

Data-based SEO measures increase reach and ensure the long-term success of a website.